Virtual Gal Friday is the Book & Ebook Formatting Specialist!
Send us your content and we will do the rest! Virtual Gal Friday will format and design your book. We will also prep it for print and digital distribution. Not only that, we will guide you through the entire process of self-publishing! We will prepare and add your book/ebook to:
- Createspace (on demand printing for Amazon & wide distribution)
- Amazon – Kindle
- Nook Press by Barnes & Noble for Nook
- Smashwords (distributes to: Apple, Sony, Diesel, Kobo, Page Foundry, Baker & Taylor, Libraries, Flipkart, Oyster, and more)
- High Resolution PDF Ebook – for your website and downloading.
1. Formatting/Layout — interior formatting includes:
- header/footer design including running header titles, page numbers
- copyright & license page,
- dedication page
- title page
- table of contents
- sections
- chapters
- formatting of all pages including images
- upon completion you will receive your book in PDF & Word formats.
3. Editing/Proofing – We will edit typographical, grammatical or spelling errors while working with your book, however, it’s a good idea to have your book professionally edited before sending to us.
4. Guidance along the way! You will have unlimited contact with us during this entire process!
5. The Cost for the Vgal Full Service (this includes your cover (front & back) & setting up on all distribution platforms as listed above)
- Up to 300 pages: $550 (no images inside $325)
- 300 – 600 pages: $650 (no images, $425)
- 600 – 1000 pages: $750 (no images, $525)
VGAL COVER ONLY DESIGN SERVICE The cover includes a professionally designed front/back/spine cover with description, author bio, author photo, other text/content you would like such as reviews, website url, email address and social media links, etc. Returned to you in print ready pdf file, as well as high res jpg.
You will also receive realistic book graphics for displaying your book on your website!
When I undertook writing my ebook, at the end of the arduos four year process of writing and editing, I figured the formatting would be the easy part. Eh (sound of game show buzzer). Wrong. Nancy did it in a week and it looked spectacular and I have been recieving comments on the quality piece. Thank You Nancy.
Paige Nienaber | VP/Fun ‘N Games | New World Communications

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