Business Plan Basics

Business Plan Basics

There are a few rules of thought in regards to the significance of writing a business plan. Many say you should not even consider starting a business without one, and others say that a business plan is not needed. Most agree that it is important to map out a general direction for your business and if you will be applying for funding, a formal business plan is a good idea.

4 Tips to Start Your Virtual Assistant Business While Working Full-Time

4 Tips to Start Your Virtual Assistant Business While Working Full-Time

Are you working full-time, want to start your Virtual Assistant business but just don’t seem to find enough hours in the day to focus on it?

This may also apply to you if you are working part-time or have a growing family. A good chunk of your day may be swallowed up by the daily commute, the demands of your boss, cooking dinner, looking after the kids, keeping the house clean… by the time you’ve finished all that, how are you going to get focused? How are you going to find the time to start or build your business?


Who was it that said, "Follow your dream - unless it's the one where you're at work in your underwear during a fire drill."? Author Joseph Campbell's advice was to "follow your bliss." American painter Grandma Moses did that. She actually started painting at age 76,...

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