Clarifying Your Offerings for Bigger Profits
Imagine two stores sitting side-by-side in a popular shopping mall. One is your go-to shop for just about everything. They sell garden tools, candy bars, T-shirts, car parts and baby bottles. The other is more exclusive. In fact, the only thing they sell is chocolate....

Book Marketing Made Easy: If You Write It, They Will Come
Here’s a big fear we all have when it comes to writing a book, what if no one buys it? While that is always possible, with a little planning and advanced buzz, it’s highly unlikely. The key is to get others excited about your book and to get them talking and sharing...

Overcoming Objections: Defeating Your Top Book-Writing Hurdles
You know you need to do it. You’ve had it on your to-do list for years. Your own coach has told you time and again that this is the year you must get your book in print. And yet…nothing. It’s not that you don’t recognize the benefits, or that you don’t want to have a...

5 Reasons You Should Write a Book
Struggling to bring in new clients? Not sure what to do next in your marketing plan? There’s one simple answer you probably haven’t considered: Write a book. It’s true. This one thing has the power to grow your business beyond your expectations. You’ll experience a...

Say it With Confidence: How to Discuss Rates Like a Pro
Does the topic of money make your mouth dry and your hands sweat? Do you dread that point in a conversation when someone says, “So what do you charge?” You’re not alone. Most of us have difficulty talking about money—especially when it comes to quoting prices for our...

The Art of the Discount: How to Never Lower Your Rates Again
It’s happened to every business and service provider at one time or another—probably more than once. You offer a proposal or contract, only to have your potential client respond with, “That sounds great, but I can’t afford it.” What do you do? For a lot of people,...

No More ROI: The Real Way to Sell High-Priced Packages
Want to know what keeps a lot of businesses and service providers from charging what they’re really worth? It’s that all-too-common belief that “I am not a sales person.” Combine that with a healthy dose of “It’s rude to discuss money,” and you can see why it’s just...

Certified coders in high demand following ICD-10 implementation
Nine years ago, Peter Esswein, a resident of Sandy Springs, Georgia, enrolled in a health information technology degree program at DeVry University to capitalize on the growing prominence of electronic medical records.
“I always wanted to work in the medical industry, and the time was right for a personal career change,” Esswein says. “Completing my associate degree in health information technology gave me the confidence and skills I needed to progress on my new career path.”

5 tips to help protect and maximize your new smartphone
Emerging technologies such as smartphones are holiday must-haves, but once your shiny new device is in hand, learning about all its features can be overwhelming. No need to worry — these five tips will help guide you

What Is a Virtual Assistant and Why Do You Need One?
According to Wikipedia: A virtual assistant (typically abbreviated to VA, also called a virtual office assistant) is generally self-employed and provides professional administrative, technical, or creative (social) assistance to clients remotely from a home office. In...